I've been asked to mention an event on my blog, and since it's for a good cause, I figured, why not. So for all you Italian food lovers out there, the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Canada is hosting an evening of delectable food on the evening of September the 24th, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Shriner's Children's Hospital. According to the marketing coordinator, all the participating restaurants have been awarded a prize called the Marchio Ospitalità Italiana, which is a prestigious given to Italian restaurants "for their scale of excellence and their Italian authenticity", as directly quoted.
The following is text is the information they sent me, and I'll have a TL;DR at the bottom for all of you people allergic to words.
On September the 24th from 5:30 pm to 9 pm, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada will take advantage of the food craze which is currently capturing our city by hosting a prestigious and exclusive evening in Montreal, which will delight all refined palates. During one evening, and under one roof, guests will have the opportunity to enjoy an incomparable culinary experience offered by 10 local, authentically certified, Italian restaurants, accompanied by savoury Italian wines.
The restaurants being honoured :
o Buonanotte
o Da Vinci
o Graziella
o Le Muscadin
o Michelangelo
o Piatti
o Primo & Secondo
o Scarpetta
o Vago
o Villa D’Este- Château Vaudreuil
A portion of the evening’s profits will be donated to the Shriners Hospitals for Children
$160 (taxes et frais en sus)(plus taxes and service charge)
Achat de billets / To purchase your tickets : www.soireeospitalitaitaliana.
Centre des sciences de Montréal
2 Rue de la Commune Ouest, Montreal, QC H2Y 2E2
Salle: La Perspective 235 et sa
For more information, you can check out their website, or their facebook pages:
- Restomontreal page: http://www.restomontreal.ca/
events/1528-Soiree-Ospitalita- Italiana--Souper-Gourmand- Italien-en.html - Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/
events/453028168127807/ - Italian Chamber of Commerce of Canada: www.italchamber.qc.ca
So to summarize (TL;DR):
Who: The Italian Chamber of Commerce of Canada
What: Hosting an evening of authentic and quality Italian food
Where: Centre des sciences de Montreal (address above)
When: On the evening of September 24th, from 5:30 to 9:30 pm.
1. To help promote good Italian cuisine and culinary products around the world.
2. To bring truly authentic Italian food to Montrealers, and help Montrealers locate restaurants that serve said food.
3. To help the children! A portion of the proceeds goes to Shriner's Children's hospital.
How: Book your tickets here :www.soireeospitalitaitaliana.
So for all you Italian food aficionados, have fun, and buon apetito!